Why Should I Pressure Wash?

The benefits of power washing technology for exterior projects in the Washington, DC area

Again and again, painting and refinishing contractors in the Washington, DC area are asked the same question: Why did my paint/stain fail?

Most of the time, the answer is the same.  It failed because the surface was inadequately prepared.  And usually, inadequate preparation translates directly to inadequate cleaning.  Dirty surfaces clogged with loose particles do not provide the constant, sturdy surface that paint needs in order to form a film, or stain needs to evenly penetrate.

Many techniques have been developed for cleaning and preparing substrates, but for exterior surfaces there is nothing on the market superior to the pressure washer (also called a power washer), for cleaning speed and effectiveness.  Employing a thin jet of high-pressured water, which can be manipulated to be focused or diffuse, the power washer can be used to remove dirt, grime, mildew, grease, and other stains from exterior surfaces like decks, siding, driveways, patios, concrete foundations, and stonework, all with stunning results.  The weather in the Washington, DC area, with its long, humid summers and its intense winters, takes a distinct toll on exterior surfaces (as well as their paint and stain jobs), making pressure-washing doubly important.

Blue Door Painters includes power washing with all of our exterior repainting and staining/sealing projects, so that we can ensure the best possible long-term results for our work.  Pressure washing all on its own can greatly beautify an exterior surface, however, even without a subsequent new paint or stain job.  Pressure washing an old deck, for example, brings about drastic results: the jet of water slicing right through years of grime and mildew, instantly turning the wood from gray to gold.  Just be warned: the beautiful results won’t be permanent without a protective coat of paint or stain to protect the freshly cleaned surface.

So to recap: why should you power wash?  Because you want to give the exterior of your home or building the best possible protection against the elements, and you recognize that thorough cleaning is an integral step in that procedure.