Wallpaper means patterns. That’s what initially made wallpaper attractive as a wall covering; with wallpaper, you can get a factory-prepared pattern repeating perfectly across a large surface, without having to worry about the tedium of trying to stencil a repeating pattern by hand.
However, in modern days, the medium of wallpaper has been used to achieve a different effect; that of a painted mural. Particularly for children’s rooms, wallpaper murals are an attractive, and easy, alternative to artwork. Since they are applied directly to the wall, they give the room the look of actually being in whatever fun, exotic location the mural depicts – the zoo, the jungle, under the sea, in Disneyland. Recent design styles have experimented with wallpaper murals of all different sizes, from smaller murals that can be used as accents, to larger murals intended to cover entire walls.
Wallpaper murals aren’t just for kids, either; in some modern homes, daring designers are experimenting with sophisticated designs and hip artwork in adult living rooms, bathrooms, and bedrooms.